# API Reference - COMMAND

All commands are listed below.

# #comment

#comment is used to add human-readable information within command lists. It has no effect and runs instantly.


{"#comment": "This section of code is very delicate"},
{"#comment": [
  "This section of code is very delicate",
  "This section of code is very delicate",
  "This section of code is very delicate"

# sleep

sleep is used to wait or delay execution for some time.


{"sleep": QUERY},
{"sleep": 0.25},
{"sleep": 1},
{"sleep": {"rand":[0, 60]}},
{"sleep": {"var":["L:MY_SLEEP_TIME", "number]}},
{"sleep": "forever"},

# wait_for

wait_for will not proceed to the next command until the comparison between QUERY_1 and QUERY_2 is satisfied. Format:

{"wait_for": QUERY_1, "eq": QUERY_2},

Where eq is the operator, and it can be any of

Operator Function
eq Equal To
ne Not Equal To
lt Less Than
lte Less Than Or Equal To
gt Greater Than
gte Greater Than Or Equal To


{"wait_for": {"var":["L:MY_TEST_VAR", "number"]}, "eq": 1},

# if

if allows to check a condition (one time) and then proceed down the then branch of commands, or optionally the else branch of commands. Once the selected branch is executed, processing returns to the next command after if.


{"if": QUERY_1, "eq": QUERY_2, "then": COMMANDLIST},
{"if": QUERY_1, "eq": QUERY_2, "then": COMMANDLIST, "else": COMMANDLIST},

Where eq is an operator and using the same list as wait_for.


{"if": 1, "eq": 1, "then":[
  {"set_message":{"text":"1 is always equal to 1}}
], "else":[
  {"set_message":{"text":"this never executes, since 1 always equals 1"}}

# while

while enables to run a do COMMANDLIST until a condition is satisfied.


{"while": QUERY, "do": COMMANDLIST}


{"while": {"var":["L:MY_TEST_VAR","number"]}, "gt": 1, "do":[
  {"set_message":{"text":"this message runs over and over while L:TEST_VAR is greater than 1"}}
{"set_message":{"text":"this message runs once, after L:MY_TEST_VAR becomes less than one"}},

# for_each

for_each is used to call a do COMMANDLIST for each element in an array. $index and $item params will be defined for each iteration.


{"for_each": QUERY, "do": COMMANDLIST},


{"for_each": {"create_array": 4}, "do": [
    {"set_message": {"text": "my array item: idx={0} item={1}", "params": [{"param": "$index"},{"param": "$item"}]}},
{"set":{"param":"my_array"}, "value":[1,2,3,4]},
{"set":{"param":"my_result_array"}, "value":[]},

{"for_each":{"param":"my_array"}, "do":[

  {"if":{"param":"$index"},"eq":1, "then":[
  {"if":{"param":"$index"},"eq":3, "then":[
  {"modify_array":{"param":"my_result_array"}, "append":{"param":"$index"}}
{"set_message":{"text":"ret={0}", "params": [
  {"json:stringify": {"param":"my_result_array"}}

# try

try and catch may be used to trap an error which would otherwise result in a message to the user. $ERROR will be defined with the error result.


  {"set": {"object":""}}
], "catch":[
  {"set_message":"oops! {$ERROR}"}

# switch

switch is used to select from a set of known results (each a COMMANDLIST).


{"switch":2, "case":{
  "0": [ {"set_message":"You selected 0"} ],
  "1": [ {"set_message":"You selected 1"} ],
  "2": [ {"set_message":"You selected 2"} ],
  "default": [ {"set_message":"You selected another number"} ]

# set

set enables setting variables in MSFS and in the mission system and on mission objects. You may prefix the MSFS events with K:, the list is available here (opens new window)


{"set": {"object": "my_object", "var":"MODE"}, "value": QUERY}
{"set": {"var":["L:TEST", "number"]}, "value": QUERY}
{"set": {"table":"my_table", "key":{"text":"blah{0}","params":[99]}}, "value": QUERY}
{"set": {"local":"my_local"}, "value": QUERY}
{"set": {"param":"my_param"}, "value": QUERY}
{"set": {"global":"my_global"}, "value": QUERY}

# trigger

trigger is a shorthand which is intended to be used to send H: and K: events to the sim.

You can send all of the HPG SDK events to the aircraft, and any of the applicable Sim Events (opens new window).


{"trigger": "H:MY_EVENT"}
{"trigger": ["H:EVENT_1", "H:EVENT_2"]}

# call_macro

call_macro will synchronously call a macro by name. Macros can be defined within the mission or some are built into the product as "system macros".

Macros that use the return command will have their result available via the $RET param after the call is complete. You can change $RET to another param name by using result.


{"call_macro": "do_it_now"}
{"call_macro":"my_calc", "params":{"num1":2, "num2":4}}
{"call_macro":"my_calc", "params":{"num1":2, "num2":4}, "result": "my_result"}

# return

return is used to set $RET on the calling context, when the function returns.

return will also stop processing further commands on the macro (except for threads, which keep running).


{"return": QUERY}
{"return": {"param":"my_ret"}}
{"return": "ERROR"}

# break

break is used to escape from a loop (see for_each). After break, no more iterations of the loop will execute.

# continue

continue is used to escape from a single loop (see for_each) iteration but still continue on the next iteration.

# private_macros

private_macros enables you to provide a list of macros which is visible only within that scope.


  "my_macro_name: [
    {"#comment":"macro commands here"}

# create_thread

create_thread enables running code (a COMMANDLIST) asynchronously.

  • commands: required.
  • interval: optional. default to 100ms


{"create_thread": {"commands":[
  {"sleep": 100},
  {"set_message":{"text":"this runs 100 seconds later!}}
{"set_message":{"text":"this runs instantly and the next command continues}}

# create_event_handler

create_event_handler enables you to listen for MSFS H:Events.


{"create_event_handler": "BAMBI_BUCKET_DUMPED", "commands":[
  {"set_message":{"text":"bambi dumped!"}}

# throw_error

throw_error enables you to create a custom error.


  {"throw_error":"my custom error message"}
], "catch":[
  {"set_message":"oops! {$ERROR}"}

# modify_array

modify_array enables some common array operations, like prepending or appending items, or removing an item at an index.


{"modify_array":{"local": "my_array"},"append": QUERY}
{"modify_array":{"local": "my_array"},"prepend": QUERY}
{"modify_array":{"local": "my_array"},"removeIndex": QUERY}

# reload_mission

reload_mission enables resetting the mission without clearing locals.


{"reload_mission": 1}

# load_mission

load_mission enables calling another mission (the current mission will end). The locals will not be cleared.



# create_object

create_object instantiates a new AI object in the world. It will be referred to by its name. Object names must be unique, and subsequent calls to create_object will fail with the same name. Use destroy_object to remove an object when you are finished with it.

  • name: this is the name that is used to reference the object in subsequent calls like set, drive_object and destroy_object.
  • title: this is the title from aircraft.cfg/sim.cfg in MSFS, which uniquely identifies the object.
  • fallback_title: Should title fail to exist, use fallback_title automatically.
  • location: this is the LOCATIONREF where the object should be created.
  • is_flight_object: 1 or 0 depending on whether this is an object which should fly or not.
  • is_ground_object: 1 or 0 depending on whether this is an aircraft.cfg object or a sim.cfg object.
  • is_static_object: 1 or 0 depending on whether this is a static type simobject


  "name": "my_object",
  "title": "HPG Airbus H145 Ambulance",
  "location": "$USER"

# destroy_object

destroy_object will deallocate an object and wait for it ot be destroyed. It is valid to re-use the object name after this point (create_object with the same name).


{"destroy_object": QUERY}
{"destroy_object": "my_object"}

# track_object

track_object will add an icon to the map which follows the specific object. track_object uses a thread to so its work, and it returns immediately.

icon may be either:

  1. data-uri for a 44x44 PNG image
  2. a string referring to the icons table in the mission, which contains (1)
  3. a string referring to a known icon (see table below)

Known icons:

Icon Description
ki_waypoint_blue Waypoint (blue)
ki_target Target symbol
ki_helipad Helipad symbol
ki_medic Medic symbol


{"track_obejct": {"object": QUERY, "icon": QUERY}}
{"track_object": {"object": "my_object", "icons": "ki_medic"}}

# drive_object

drive_object will send an object along waypoint navigation, and returns only when the object has finished.

  • name: The name of the object to drive.
  • speed: Speed to use during the drive, meters per second.
  • data: This is set_drive_data data.
  • VAR1: Value to set VAR 1 on the mission object, during teh drive.


{"drive_object": {"name": "soldier_1", "to": ["pax_right_door"], "VAR1": 2, "speed": 10}},

    [34.921710973784805, -117.88296989234365, 2200, 100],
    [34.91159609892966, -117.90097049623692, 2500, 100],
    [34.894605381452905, -117.90550330903535, 2600, 100],
    [34.90274380665833, -117.86989409383754, 2700, 100],
    [34.91631769396497, -117.86277032013513, 2800, 100]
  "data": {
    "use_safety_height": true,
    "safety_height": 100,
    "max_vertical_speed": 50,
    "max_vertical_speed_heightdelta": 100

# move_object

move_object will teleport an object to a new location.


{"move_object": QUERY, "to": LOCATIONREF}
{"move_object": "my_object", "to": "$USER"}

# point_object

point_object enables orienting an object to point at another object.


{"point_object": QUERY, "to": LOCATIONREF}
{"point_object": "my_object", "to": "$USER"}

# set_drive_data

set_drive_data lets you configure drive_object behaviors after calling drive_object (mid-drive).

  • use_safety_height: Determines whether a flying object is restricted to the safety height (floor).
  • safety_height: safety height (minimum radio altitude). feet.
  • max_vertical_speed: Determines the flight objects maximum vertical climb/descend speed
  • max_vertical_speed_heightdelta: Determines at which altitude delta will result in maximum speed. Values beyond this point will be clamped.


{set_drive_data: {
  "use_safety_height": true|false,
  "safety_height": 0
  "max_vertical_speed": 0
  "max_vertical_speed_heightdelta": 0

# set_df

set_df can be used to set the active Direction Finder signal location. (DF source on the MFD).


{"set_df": {"location": LOCATIONREF, "freq": QUERY}}
{"set_df": {"location": "my_boat", "freq": 255.0}}

# set_carls_radio

set_carls_radio will set the displays of the CARLS TACTICAL RADIO in the cockpit.


{"set_carls_radio": {
  "LSK": ["PG1", "", ""],
  "RSK": ["", "", "INOP"],
  "Items": [
    ["Group 1", "misc contacts"],
    ["Group 2", "important"],
    ["Group 3", "other"]

{"set_carls_radio": {
  "LSK": ["PG1", "", ""],
  "RSK": ["", "", "INOP"],
  "Items": [
    ["Group 1", "misc contacts"],
    {"item": ["Group 2", "important"], "show_condition": ...}
    [{"text": {"Group 3 {0}=99, {1}=88"}, "params": [99, 88]}, "other"]

A full sample program is available at Samples.

# set_tfm_radio

set_tfm_radio works similarly to set_carls_radio.


      "main": [
        ["DISPATCH", "168.9000"],
        ["BKP DISP", "169.0000"],
        ["GUARD 1 NAME", "164.350" ],
        ["GUARD 1 NAME", "168.350" ]

      "main": [
        ["DISPATCH", "168.9000"],
        ["BKP DISP", "169.0000"]
        {"item":["G1 NAME", "165.0000"], "show_condition":{"require":2,"eq":2}},
        [{"text":"G{0} NAME","params":[99]}, "167.0000"],
        ["G 3 NAME", "164.350" ],
        ["G 4 NAME", "168.350" ]

# set_rescuetrack

set_rescuetrack configures the DMAP RescueTrack UI.



    "statusVar": "L:MY_DISPATCH_STATUS",
    "statusMessages": {"static": "statusMessages"},
    "dispatcherMessages": {"local": "Messages"},
      {"#comment":"param - $index - in dispatcherMessages"},
      {"#comment":"param - $command - DIRECTTO"},
      {"set_message":"{$index} {$command}"},
      {"set_route": {"struct": {"struct":{"local": "Messages"}, "index": {"param": "$index"}}, "path":"waypoint"}},

    "statusMessages": [
      "1. Unavailable for dispatch",
      "2. Ready for dispatch",
      "3. Dispatch accepted, en route to scene"
    "dispatcherMessages": [
        "from": "My Dispatcher",
        "time": "00:16:00",
        "text": "the accident site is now clear, proceed to the destination",
        "waypoint": [0, 0]
        "from": "My Dispatcher",
        "time": "00:07:00",
        "text": "the accident site is blocked, enter a hold",
        "waypoint": [0, 0]

# open_door

open_door will open the aircraft door if it is not already open. if it opens the door, it will also wait for it to finish opening.


{"open_door": "cockpit_left"}
{"open_door": "pax_left"}
{"open_door": "cargo_left"}

# close_door

close_door will close the aircraft door if it is not already closed. if it closes the door, it will also wait for it to finish closing.


{"close_door": "cockpit_right"}
{"close_door": "pax_right"}
{"close_door": "cargo_right"}

# create_fire

create_fire will create a set of fires.

  • size: Count of fires to start
  • title: Fire object name, such as Airbus h145 Fire.
  • showIcon: Optional. Default true. whether or not to show icons for the fires. L:DEBUG_CREATE_FIRE_DIST_MULT: (with default) L:DEBUG_CREATE_FIRE_SIZE_MULT: (with default)


 {"create_fire": "fire_spawn_area", "size": {"var": ["L:MISSION_FIRE_SIZE", "number"]}, "title": "Airbus H145 Fire"},

# launch_missile

launch_missile will spawn and launch a projectile from one object to another.


{"launch_missile": {
  "from": "my_ai_fighter_jet",
  "to": "$USER"

# designate_target

designate_target enables setting a target in the targetting computer.


{"designate_target: "my_target_object"}
{"designate_target: {"location": LOCATIONREF, "alt": QUERY}}
{"designate_target: {"location": "my_target_ground_location", "alt": 1500}}

# set_route

set_route can be used to set direct-to flight plan on the map


{"set_route": LOCATIONREF}
{"set_route": "my_location"}

# set_map

set_map can be used to:

  1. Add, remove or updates points on the map. Points may have an icon and/or text.
  2. Add or remove lines on the map


{"set_map":{"add":{"point":{"location":"$USER", "icon":"ki_helipad", "text":"waypoint text"}}}}

{"set_map":{"add":{"line":{ "points":["P1","P2","P3","P4", "P1"], "stroke":{"color":"#4287f5", "width":4}}}}},
{"set_map":{"add":{"point":{"location":"P1","text":"waypoint text"}}}},

# wait_modal

wait_modal can display the (singleton) modal dialog to the user. The user can pick a choice to continue.


{"wait_modal": {
  "title": "Mission Parameters", 
  "text": "Select a sling activity", 
  "options": [
    {"text": "Utility", "style": "primary", "commands": [
      {"#command": "use a sleep 0 here to make sure button with empty list still executes"}
      {"sleep": 0}
    {"text": "Logging", "style": "", "commands": [
      {"set": {"object":"cargo", "var":"VAR 1"}, "value": 8},
      {"set": {"object":"cargo2", "var":"VAR 1"}, "value": 8},
      {"set": {"object":"cargo3", "var":"VAR 1"}, "value": 8},
      {"set": {"object":"cargo4", "var":"VAR 1"}, "value": 8}

# set_modal

set_modal works exactly the same as wait_modal, but does not wait for execution to continue.

# set_message

set_message displays a message on the bottom of the mission app.

  • align may be left, center, or right.
  • size may be small, medium, large, or extralarge.
  • color may be blue, red, green, orange, purple, hotpink, brown, cyan, or yellow.


{"set_message":{"text":"hello {0}", "params":[ "dave" ]}}
{"set_message":{"text":"hello {0}", "params":[ {"local":"my_local"}]}}

# set_progressbar

set_progressbar will enable display of a progress bar at the bottom of the mission app.


{"set_progressbar":{"min":0,"max":100,"var":["L:TEST","number"], "color":"green"}}

# set_dispatch

set_dispatch allows setting the dispatch dialog content. This is similar to the briefing but can be changed during the mission. All of the same widgets from the briefing are available.


{"set_dispatch": [
  {"text":"hello world"}

# set_briefing_dialog

set_briefing_dialog opens or closes the briefing dialog.


{"set_briefing_dialog": QUERY}
{"set_briefing_dialog": 1}
{"set_briefing_dialog": 0}

# set_dispatch_dialog

set_dispatch_dialog opens or closes the dispatch dialog.


{"set_dispatch_dialog": QUERY}
{"set_dispatch_dialog": 1}
{"set_dispatch_dialog": 0}

# scroll_to_briefing_item

scroll_to_briefing_item will scroll to the named section on the briefing page.


{"scroll_to_briefing_item: "header1"}

# scroll_to_dispatch_item

scroll_to_dispatch_item will scroll to the named section on the dispatch page.


{"scroll_to_dispatch_item: "header1"}

# set_objective_title

set_objective_title enables changing the objective title (text at the bottom of the mission app) at a time other than when the objective list itself moves to the next objective.

  • color may be blue, red, green, orange, purple, hotpink, brown, cyan, or yellow.


{"set_objective_title":"Fly to the target"}

# set_hover_display

set_hover_display enables you to show a target crosshairs on the mission map.

range: meters


{"set_hover_display": {"target":LOCATIONREF,"range":QUERY}},
{"set_hover_display": {"target":"load1_dest","range":0.02}},

# create_user_action

A User Action is a command available for the user to click, shown at the top of the mission map.

create_user_action will create the named user action. click_commands is a COMMANDLIST which will be run if the user clicks the button or invokes the hotkey.


{"create_user_action": {
  "id": "accept_dispatch", 
  "title": "Accept Dispatch",
  "click_commands": [

{"create_user_action": {"id": "change_accident_location", "title": "Change Location", "click_commands": [
  {"set_message": {"text": ""}},
  {"call_macro": "user_pick_accident_location"},
  {"set_route": "accident_location"},
  {"set_message": {"text": "Accident Location: {0:LOCATION}", "params": [ "accident_location" ]}}

# destroy_user_action

destroy_user_action will remove an existing user action.


{"destroy_user_action: "my_action"}

# trigger_user_action

trigger_user_action will manually trigger a user action, as if clicked by the user.


{"trigger_user_action": "my_action"}

# set_user_poi

set_user_poi will enable clicking on the map on behalf of the user.


{"set_user_poi: LOCATIONREF}
{"set_user_poi: $"USER"}
{"set_user_poi: [33.2, -112.4]}

# clear_user_poi

clear_user_poi will clear any map POI selection.


{"clear_user_poi: 1}

# create_route

create_route uses an online service to compute instructions to transit using the road network from one location to another. After calling create_route, the name will be available to reference with other APIs.

  • type: Optional. Default to car.


{"create_route": {name: "route-name-here", "query": {
  "location_from": LOCATIONREF,
  "location_to": LOCATIONREF,
  "type": "car|foot|bike"

{"create_route": {name: "my_route_name", "query": {
  "location_from": "$USER",
  "location_to": {"bearing":0, "dist": 1000},
  "type": "car"

# draw_route

draw_route will draw lines on the map for the specified route.

stroke: Optional. default is {width: 8, color: '#FF33FF' }


{"draw_route": "route_name", "id":"my_route_id"}

# copy_stringtoken

copy_stringtoken copies a string token by name to another name.


{"copy_stringtoken": "token1", "to": "token2"}

# open_url

open_url opens a web browser window on the user's PC.


{"open_url": QUERY}

# copy_location

copy_location will take a LOCATIONREF, resolve it right now, and then save it under a new name.


{"copy_location":LOCATIONREF, "to": "my_new_location_name"}
{"copy_location":"my_location_name", "to": "my_new_location_name"}

# open_location

open_location will open Google Maps to a specific LOCATIONREF


{"open_location": LOCATIONREF}
{"open_location": "object1"}
{"open_location": [34.1, -122.9]}

# create_location

create_location will create a location name by selecting from the provided zones and creating the location from the zone's information. Zones are picked randomly from the list, you can simply provide one if you like.


{"create_location": "location_name", zones: [ZONE]}
{"create_location": "location_name", zones: [ZONE1, ZONE2, ZONE3, ...]}
{"create_location": "location_name", zones: [ZONE], no_results_commands: COMMANDLIST}

  • no_results_commands: Optional. By default a modal dialog will be created when the data query does not succeed.

A ZONE is has these properties:

  • location: LOCATIONREF which is the center of the zone.
  • radius: Radius of the zone in meters.
  • minRadius: Optional. Defaults to 0. meters.
  • commands: COMMANDLIST which will be run. $LOCATION:NAME param will have the location friendly name.
  • zone_type: Select from the list below.
  • query: DATAQUERY (only if a data query zone)

Zone Types:

Zone Description
random_point Pick a random position inside this location.
query_list_result Data Query: Execute the query and then present a list of results for the user to choose from.
query_random_result Data Query: Execute the query and then pick a random result
query_closest_result Data Query: Execute the query and then pick the closest result. If the query fails, increase the range and try again until there is a result.

If a data query is selected, the following parameters will be populated after call:

  • $LOCATION:NAME the name tag on the result.
  • $LOCATION:ID the id on the result.


{"create_location": "$LOCATION", "zones": [
  {"zone": {
    "zone_type": "query_closest_result",
    "query": "[out:json];way({{bbox}})[highway~\"^(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary)_link)$\"]->.major;way({{bbox}})[highway~\"^(unclassified|residential|living_street|service)$\"]->.minor;node(w.major)(w.minor);out;",
    "location": "city_center",
    "radius": 25000,
    "minRadius": 0,
    "commands": []

# query_data

query_data lets you query for OSM data and get a callback for the results.

Note that this is a legacy API before for_each.

  • location: LOCATIONREF

  • query: DATAQUERY

  • radius: meters.

  • minRadius: Optional. defaults to 0

  • commands: ARRAY OF COMMANDLIST to run for each result.

  • no_results_commands: COMMANDLIST to run if there is not enough results (length of )

  • $LOCATION (usable temporary location name) will be defined differently in each call back to commands.

  • $LOCATION (param) will be defined differently in each call back to commands.

  • $LOCATION:NAME (param) will have the location friendly name.

Use bypass_commands and $ITEMS to process the full list.


{"query_data": {
  "query": "[out:json]; ( node({{bbox}})[power=substation]; area({{bbox}})[power=substation]; ); out center;",
  "location": "city_center",
  "radius": 25000,
  "minRadius": 0,
  "commands": [
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_0", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_0", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_1", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_1", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_2", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_2", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_3", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_3", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_4", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_4", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_5", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_5", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_6", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_6", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_7", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_7", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_8", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_8", "number"]}, "value": 0}],
    [{"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_LOC_POWER_9", "number"]}, "value": {"location": "$LOCATION"}}, {"set": {"var": ["L:MISSION_SCORE_POWER_9", "number"]}, "value": 0}]

# query_country

query_country lets you identify the country name (string) for a location.

  • None is a special country name that refers to the open ocean.
  • $COUNTRY (param) will be defined after the call returns.
  • $COUNTRY (stringToken) will be defined after the call returns.


{"query_country": {
  "United States of America": [ {"set_message": {"text": "USA country $COUNTRY" }} ],
  "France": [ {"set_message": {"text": "FR country" }} ],
  "Germany": [ {"set_message": {"text": "DE country" }} ],
  "Other": [ {"set_message": {"text": "Other country: $COUNTRY" }} ],
  "None": [ {"set_message": {"text": "You are over open water. ($COUNTRY)" }} ]
}, "location":[65.34528194493097, -12.372530650689942]}

# osm_query_data

Use osm_query_data to query OSM for data within a specific area. Operations on the data after osm_query_data will not use the network.


{"#comment":"Query a block of road network data and save it into my_data"},
  "size": 600,

# osm_get_parent_ways

Given a NodeId, osm_get_parent_ways will provide an array of the ways which contain that id. Use this to find out which roads a given node belongs to.


{"osm_get_parent_ways":{"struct":{"param":"$item"},"path":"id"}, "data": {"param":"my_data"}, "result":"parents"},

# osm_get_connected_nodes

Use osm_get_connected_nodes to discover nodes which are adjacent to the given nodeId. This is good for finding the legs of an intersection, or the up/down nodes along a road.


{"osm_get_connected_nodes":{"struct":{"param":"closest_node"},"path":"id"}, "data": {"param":"my_data"}, "result":"my_nodes_connected_to_nearest_node"},

# osm_get_nodes

Use osm_get_nodes to get an ordered list of all the nodes within a given wayId. Use this to get a list of coordinates along a road.


{"osm_get_nodes":{"struct":{"param":"$item"}, "path":"id"}, "data": {"param":"my_data"}, "result":"my_nodes_on_way"},

# osm_get_all_ways

Use osm_get_all_ways to get a list of all the ways within the data set.


{"osm_get_all_ways": {"param":"my_data"}, "result":"my_ways"},

# osm_get_all_nodes

Use osm_get_all_ways to get a list of all the nodes within the data set.


{"osm_get_all_nodes": {"param":"my_data"}, "result":"my_nodes"},

# osm_get_closest_nodes

Use osm_get_closest_nodes to create an ordered list of nodes, ranked by the distance to the given LOCATIONREF.


{"osm_get_closest_nodes": "LOC", "data": {"param":"my_data"}, "result":"my_closest_nodes"},

# osm_is_point_within_way

Use osm_is_point_within_way to determine if a given LOCATIONREF lies within the closed way.


{"osm_is_point_within_way": {"struct":{"param":"way"}, "path":"id"}, "location":{"bearing":{"param":"brg"},"dist":{"param":"dist"}}, "data":{"param":"my_data"},"result":"is_in"},

# osm_get_area_of_area

Use osm_get_area_of_area to measure the area of the closed way, in meters squared.


{"osm_get_area_of_area":{"struct":{"param":"way"},"path":"id"},  "data": {"param":"my_data"}, "result":"way_area"},  

# open_table

open_table opens an existing data table, or creates a new one. Once the table is open, table commands are valid.


{"open_table": QUERY}
{"open_table": "my_table"}

# save_table

save_table will immediately persist the table to disk. Changes made to tables where save_table is not eventually called (before leaving the mission) will be lost.


{"save_table": QUERY}
{"save_table": "my_table"}

# clear_table

clear_table will remove all keys from a table.


{"clear_table": QUERY}
{"clear_table": "my_table"}

# play_audio

play_audio enables playback of built-in audio sounds. play_audio will not proceed until the sound finishes playing.


{"play_audio": "hold_position"}
{"play_audio": "4"}

Sound list:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

# play_guidance_message

play_guidance_message can be used to provide audio guidance to a target.

  • target: The remote target to provide guidance to
  • self: This is the position on your aircraft that should match the center of the target object, such as $USER:HOIST for the hoist fixture position.


{"play_guidance_message": {"target": LOCATIONREF, "self": LOCATIONREF}},

{"create_thread": {"name": "main_crash_guidance_thread", "commands": [{"while": {"var": ["L:MISSION_GUIDANCE_ENABLED", "number"]}, "eq": 1, "do": [
  {"wait_for": {"location": "main_crash", "var": "distance"}, "lt": 0.03}, 
  {"play_guidance_message": {"target": "main_crash", "self": "$USER:HOIST"}},
  {"sleep": 2}

# connect_voice_server

connect_voice_server will attempt to connect to the defined voice service. on_connected commands will be run on success, on_disconnected will run on disconnect, even if much later.


{"connect_voice_server": {
    {"speak":"Speech activated."}
    {"set_message":{"text":"No voice server available"}}

# speak

speak will send a command to the voice server to play text-to-speech or an audio file.

interrupt: 1 or 0. 1 will cancel the queue and play immediately. is_audio_file: 1 or 0. 1 will assume the text is a filename.wav in the audio directory available to the server.


{"speak":{"text":"hello {0}", "params":["dave"]}}
{"speak":"hello.wav", "is_audio_file":1}

# Debugger & Remote Commands

# cancel_debugger

cancel_debugger should be used by non-debug remote missions, this will suppress the extra debugger activity.

  • This command applies when using a remote context (a mission connected via websocket) or when using the debugger (a tool based on the same rpc).

# remote_notify

remote_notify will report data to the remote server, if available.

  • This command applies when using a remote context (a mission connected via websocket) or when using the debugger (a tool based on the same rpc).


{"remote_notify":"hello_event", "params":[
  {"var":["A:PLANE ALTITUDE","feet"]},
  {"var":["A:PLANE BANK DEGREES","bank"]}

# teleport_to

teleport_to will set the latitude and longitude of the player aircraft, instantly teleporting them. Note that this needs some work to engage slew mode for the user and adjust the altitude.

# fetch

fetch enables interaction with remote web services using the javascript fetch API.


{"fetch": {
  "url": "",
  "method": "POST",
    "Accept": "application/json",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  "body": {"param":"msg"}

# set_shared_data

set_shared_data will mutate multiplayer shared data state. It implicitly uses the last created multiplayer connection.


{"set_shared_data":"update","path":"connectedAircraft.{service_auth}.isHost", "value": true},

# debug_write

debug_write sends a string to console.log.

# hoist_control

hoist_control enables reeling in or out the hoist cable. See the hoist topic for more.


{"hoist_control": "reel_down","speed": 1}
{"hoist_control": "reel_up","speed": 1}